About me

Web Alchemist 🌐✨

> Building digital experiences with simplicity and precision, I use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with the magic of Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, and the smooth moves of Next.js. Specializing in MERN Stack development, I bring a touch of creativity to every code line.

Problem-Solving Maestro 🖥️

> Navigating the realms of data structures and algorithms, I thrive on cracking intricate problems. My journey in C++ extends beyond the basics, where I skillfully solve challenges honed through the competitive programming arena.

Innovation Seeker 🚀

> Eager to bring fresh ideas to life, I'm on the lookout for opportunities as a MERN stack web developer. Let's collectively shape the future of the web!

What I'm doing

  • Web development icon

    MERN Stack Development

    High-quality development of sites at the professional level.

  • design icon

    Competitive Programming

    > Having quite good experience in manipulating data structures and using that in problem solving.

    > Experienced in C++


  • github


    To manage the repository by managing the version control in simple steps

  • Daniel lewis


    I use docker to create images and by that running containers on the Cloud servers

  • Jessica miller


    I use kubernetes which is useful in orchestrating the containers on the cloud managing the pods and load on the servers

Tech stacks



  1. Dharmsinh Desai University

    2021 — Present

    > Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering [ 3rd Year ]

    > CPI : 8.79 / 10

  2. Higher Secondary Education

    2020 — 2021

    > from Gujrat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board : 90.46 % (95.93 PR)

    > Gujarat Common Entrance Test (GUJCET) : 110.50 / 120 (99.79 PR) - [ District First ]

  3. Secondary Education

    2018 — 2019

    > from Gujrat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board : 89 % (99.07 PR)


  1. Google Developer Student Clubs ( Competitive Programming Team )

    2023 — Present

    > Strategically coordinated technology events and generated content for club gatherings.

    > Developed essential skills including teamwork, communication, and programming expertise.

    > Administered repositories for Hacktoberfest-2023, an open-source festival held annually in October

  2. DUHacks 3.0 Organizer

    2023 — 2024

    > Being part of GDSC, we have organized DUHacks 3.0 and got around 3000+ participants and 150+ project submission.


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